Have to start by saying I'm pretty ticked about something someone on BYC said to me. I get my feelings hurt easily and with all of everything that's going on, I really didn't need to be blasted. So I'm off of those forums for a while.
To those of you who have been incredible supportive and wonderful, thank you so much! With my son's health, my family problems, and now my father-in-law being given a 6-9 month life range left, I just can't take much more.
That said, on to the critter pictures! (Well, and one of my son the other day at the Wildlife Experience!)
Two chicks available for sale are about 2 months old. The light gray (egger hen with blue ameraucana roo) and mostly-black (black australorp hen with egger roo). $3.50 each. |
Two more chicks to go. Both bantam easter eggers. White is a female and 4 months old so close to laying. She has a crossed beak but doesn't effect her eating or drinking as long as the container is deep enough. The darker one is her boyfriend and protector (against other chickens who may pick on her). He's definitely a rooster and has the cutest crow!! $10.00 for the pair. |
Three more for sale. The bantam silkie is considered a "blue" but looks black to me! Ears are blue. He's very sweet and has a quiet crow, but his toes are slightly splayed. Also for sale are two buff orpingtons. Assuming female but could be wrong. Hatched just before Easter so they aren't too far from laying. $4.50 for the silkie and $3.50 for each buff. |
Our three remaining goat babies. The one on the right has been sold. The other two are twins/sister and brother. Born June 6 2011. Mom is a Nigerian Dwarf and has the most delicious high-fat milk. Dad is an alpine/nubian cross and also comes from great dairy lines. I handle and play with all of the babies every evening so they are very used to humans, come with a collar, and are being leash-tained.
The almost all white one is a boy, intact buckling, cute pink nose, and loves to nibble my hair. Selling for $150 to help you get your backyard goat herd going (can reproduce at a very young age). His sister has a little more brown and black, a cute pink nose with a black dot on it, and is VERY sweet and loving. She is $200 and should be a great milker. |
This is another picture of the little girl for sale. I call her Dot because of the little black dot on her pink nose. |
Another picture of the buckling. He's a sweetie and very agile. |
Couldn't resist adding this picture of the sold girl. She climbed under a pallet that was propped up. Guess she wanted some shade. Sure looks like goat baby jail to me! |
Last but absolutely NOT least, my son at the Wildlife Experience museum on Lincoln, south of Denver. Stopped in for the dinosaur exhibit and took a look around at all we could see. He's doing his "help it's gonna eat me" face here! |
Hubby's father has 6-9 months left to live. Cancer not responding to chemo. Thoughts for him would be appreciated.
As a side note, I'm putting together a GETTING HEALTHY cookbook to help raise money for my son's seizure alert / autism therapy dog.
A puppy has been found so crunch time is here to get the money together. SO ... please e-mail 5 (10? 20? :) ) of your favorite recipes to: vikkibooks At yAhoo DOT com ... include your name (or nickname) and location. I'll assume since you've e-mailed your recipes, you give me permission to print them. I'll compile the recipes, print them in a spiral-bound-type booklet, and sell at garage sales or flea market or wherever I can. Will also try to compile in a .pdf file and submit to amazon.com. Proceeds to help pay for my son's therapy/response dog, his training and certifications, supplies like his vest, and so forth.
Sections in the "GETTING HEALTHY" cookbook: crockpot dishes, things made from stored foods, gluten-free, sugar-free, corn-free, raw, low-carb, and so forth. Open to suggestions!
DEADLINE: July 29 2011
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