My current home doesn't have a verandah or even a porch but I dream of owning a little farmette again, with a verandah overlooking chickens, goats and gardens. Absolute heaven!

Chicken Change

I'm wondering what would happen if I crossed my black australorp (blackie) rooster with my easter egger pullets-almost-hens ... so tonight, at dusk, I moved two of my egger pullets into the blackie pen. The blackies pecked at them a little but since it was quickly approaching dark, I'm hoping they all settled down soon.

Hope when I go check on them at dawn tomorrow, all will be alive.

The egger pullets should start laying soon. They were a day-old when we got them at the end of April. That makes them over 7 months old. So ... when my egger pullets start laying, the rooster will have fertilized the eggs, and I'll incubate them as soon as I get a hen to go broody. Hoping we'll get a chicken that (1) broody (from the blackie breed) that (2) lays green or blue eggs (from the egger breed).

We'll see!

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