Finally... I've gotten around to downloading pictures from my camera and uploading them here. Enjoy! Plants first:
We love yellow squash here, but for some reason the seedlings I bought did better than what I started from seed. Here's the first yellow squash of the season... LONG ago was eaten. Yummy!
The above pic shows the eggplant with 2 mini red bell pepper plants. Can barely see the light purple flowers of the eggplant. They've since formed into little eggplants that are growing even now.
The above is our "popcorn-and-sunflower-and-amaranth" bed. As of today, the sunflowers are almost my height and starting to form flowers, but the popcorn have stopped growing. Horrible sand, er, soil. Will be better next year. The amaranth, well, don't get me started.
This is our variety pool.... cantaloupe, pumpkin, yellow squash (you saw the close-up pic above), zucchini, eggplant and peppers (different plants than what I showed above). The cantaloupe vines have really grown since I took this pic last month.
The above is an amish paste tomato. Although I took this pic about 3 weeks ago, the tomato has gotten bigger but still hasn't changed colors. Have to admit, my tomato crop this year is the pits!
Hmmm... yellow pear tomatoes above. Like the amish paste, these started forming quite a while ago, but so far haven't changed to the yellow color. Come on!
Now ... the above is a picture of eggs we collected one day in July (?). The big one in the top middle turned out to be a double-yolk, and was ever so tasty!! Sorry the pic is to fuzzy. I'm certainly not a photographer! And those two eggs that look white? They are actually green!
Above is my Kid (on the spool) with our 6-month-old nigerian dwarf doeling and the front goat is our nubian doe who gives us a great-tasting sweet half-gallon of milk every day.
The above is a pic of three of our four goats. The black/brown top left is the nubian... kinda looks like a dog and acts like a puppy! We call her our puppy-goat. She likes to roll around on her back like a dog who scratches her back. The twins are about 6 months now.
They see me coming and bound over! The wether is on the left, and our nubian on the right. Must be happy ... her tail is up! She's the sweetest goat (especially compared to that fiasco we got from Crowley Manor goat place) and is not only great at milking but loves to eat our weeds!
Chicken time! ABOVE. The hen on the left is Henny Penny, the easter egger who lays our green eggs. The white in the back is a delaware (we call her Della ... original, right?) and lays light brown eggs. The chicken in the front right is an easter egger rooster and has the most stupid crow... ALL DAY LONG. Don't you believe that roosters only crow in the morning. That's bull!
Here's the same two hens in their new home (a former dog crate!) getting ready to lay their eggs. I have a cinder block on each side to keep it in place.
Not a good pic (above) but I was trying to show the set-up of our new CHEAP chicken coop and hen house arrangement. (Don't you love that I caught two chickens getting ready to lay their eggs, who had to turn their HINEYs at me!) Anyway, I took a large dog crate and separated it, putting it on boards to give it a solid bottom. I'll add hay there later. Those boards are straddled on 4 large cinder blocks to keep everything off the ground. On top of the two halves of the large dog crate, I placed another couple of boards then a small intact dog crate, door tied open. Last night I went down to check on the chickens with their new arrangement and 3 of the chickens were on TOP of the top crate, and one lone hen was IN the top crate. Weird. Anyway, the 4 large cinderblocks and 2 smaller cinderblocks cost about $1.50 each at Home Depot. The boards were throw-aways, costing $.51 each in their mistake pile. We already had the crates. They have a lot of room in the 6x10 "dog kennel", tarp over the top for shade. It might not be warm enough for our Colorado winter but we'll make adjustments as needed.
Maybe this is a better picture. Ignore me in the pic! Notice we're using dog feeders and dog waterers. I'll try to take an even better pic in the next week or so.
This is all making me so jealous!
I don't know if I'm cut out for farm life, but the idea of having access to the freshest of fresh veggies, fruits, eggs and milk is to die for!
I can't wait until we get a house and can actually have our own little herb gardens and *maybe* a couple little veggie gardens, too. I'll be asking you for tips, I'm sure! I don't have much of a greenthumb.
IS VERY GOOD..............................
I don't have a great green thumb either so we grew a lot in pots this year as the soil here is mostly sand. Doesn't grow much, even with the chicken/goat/rabbit poo.
Start small, inside, to get to know your veggie plants and their habbits. You can have quail inside now, and their eggs are quite tasty!
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