My current home doesn't have a verandah or even a porch but I dream of owning a little farmette again, with a verandah overlooking chickens, goats and gardens. Absolute heaven!


Browsing online. Not a usual thing for me these days because I'm so incredibly busy.  Happened across this: How to grow garlic in containers ... wow! Thinking I'll get some bulbs from the health food store and give it a try. Anybody else tried this yet?

In other news, a huge windstorm we had about 2 weeks ago blew down what we thought was a very sturdy chicken coop we'd just finished. Lots of braces and beams. A good solid roof. Waterproofed. Roomy.  But no, an entire day of continuous strong wind gusts brought it down.

I called my husband at work, panicking, as my son and I held on to the remnants. Help! Come home!

By the time he got there, my son and I had given up. One at a time, we moved the chickens here and there, anywhere there was room. Over the next 2 days, two guys built a stronger double chicken coop. Set in concrete this time. Nothing short of a tornado will be moving this sucker. But there went the last $700 we had.

Then last weekend, Hubby and I got busy on the goat accommodations. Needed to separate the girls from the boys, since the girls are due to kid (give birth) around Thanksgiving. Created two separate (but small) fenced areas in the backyard, moved the dog houses to provide shelter, and are still constructing a small "kidding kennel" in the girl's area. The new pens are fairly small, but will be sufficient for winter housing. Especially for the girls, because once the babies come, I'll be able to look out of the kitchen window any time and see them. LOVE it!

We're also in the midst of a mouse invasion. Sorry, PETA, but we've put poison all over our house. Well, in places where the puppy can't get to it. Necessary because I'm real tired of finding open/spilled bags of popcorn or crackers or flax seeds.

Guess that's it for now.  Gotta go put things in canning jars to keep them safe from the meeses!

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