Picture 1: that's part of our fenced-in dog run that we're turning into a goat pen, chicken pen, relaxing area, and raised-bed intensive garden area. Can you tell that I planted peas in the bottom right... between that horizontal wooden post and the fence. Hope they don't die. Haven't sprouted as of yesterday.

= = = =
The baby chicks did well over the night. Interesting that we never realized that chickens... even babies ... sleep at night.
We ended up separating the chicks again ... each kind in its own box. The black australorps are ever so nice to each other, but the easter eggers... geez! There are two in that group of five that will peck at another. Not good.
As for the night... the blacks cuddled together ... not away from the heat and not near it. Kinda in the middle. Must have the temp right. Hubby thinks they put off more heat than the ee's. Could be.
Last night the ee's spread out in their box but closer to the heat. Every time I checked on them, one or two were off by themselves, wings totally spread out and sleeping away. One even slept in the feeder!
Of course, they are all up and eating breakfast now. They did well in their makeshift boxes but Hubby's gone to pick up a metal trough and a second heat lamp setup. Turns out I'm allergic to chickens (nose, eyes, argh!) so we need to move them to the garage. Hence, the requirement for a better set up.
We do have that chicken coop we got a few weeks ago. Still have to re-hang the door but we're thinking .... a local community is having an "animal swap" where people can either trade, sell or buy all kinds of animals, including dogs, chickens, sheep, goats, etc. We think we'll go (next weekend) and see about getting a dog or 3, and perhaps a couple of laying hens... something different than what we have. Just for the experience (oh, and the eggs!).
Our "handyman" is coming over this morning to quote on building our outdoor goat and chicken pens. Plus our "subdivision" is having a huge garage sale so I want to go to that. AND I need to get the potatoes planted in the box setup I talked about a couple of days ago. AND Hubby and I need to build the raised beds and fill so I can get the cabbage, broccoli and greens planted. My little seedlings (as you saw above!) are getting quite large!
We also have a friend coming by ... the one that gave us all of the pallets and some wood. Busy day. Gotta scoot!
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