My current home doesn't have a verandah or even a porch but I dream of owning a little farmette again, with a verandah overlooking chickens, goats and gardens. Absolute heaven!

Land and Miniature Nut and Fruit Trees

Since we are obviously going to reduce our meat intake (did you read yesterday's afternoon post?), we need to increase our protein from other sources. There are eggs, dairy, beans, and then, of course, seeds from pumpkins and sunflowers, both of which are very fun to grow. The Kid is allergic to some nuts (can tolerate pecans, walnuts and filberts), but Hubby and I are ok with all nuts. I've found some dwarf almond and filbert trees (yippee!!). But I heard about the possibility of a dwarf English walnut tree - that would be fantastic! Only thing is, I can't google and find a source. Anyone?

And I would absolutely love a miniature pecan tree, but can't find a thing about them. Do they even exist?

I've found several miniature fruit trees, including apples, pears, plums, apricots, and more. There's even something called 5-in-1 that has like a "fruit cocktail" growing on it. Interesting! We will have a lot more apple and pear trees than anything else.

= = = =

Just sent an e-mail to our agent. When we were looking at a property on Saturday for the third time (without agent, this time), there was a looky-loo there who said his friend just bought a house down the street and immediately found out the well system and that of the entire neighborhood, was going bad. $15,000 worth of work. My e-mail to the agent asked him to look into that and the septic system.

Also, the house is currently empty (short sale) but there are still 4 horses in the small pasture. They don't go in the barn, just the large loafing shed, and it's very obvious the loafing shed hasn't been mucked out in a LONG time. Horse manure has been pushed against the back of the shed and stands at least 2 feet deep there. We'd be ok about taking on the property WITH the manure (use some for composting and some to sell $5.00 per truckload), but we want the horses gone by closing. So... waiting for the agent to get back to us. Make sure there isn't some kind of long-term lease agreement that would make us keep the horses.

We like this property... on almost 2 acres. Should be just big enough to do what we want to do, and if I end up doing all the work, won't be completely overwhelming! The kitchen is HUGE, there's a wood fireplace upstairs, the master suite is in the basement, and the Kid would practically have the upstairs to himself. There's a nice barn (needs insulating) with a chicken coop (needs repairs). The pasture is about 1 acre but I'd fence the west and north perimeters to place fruit and nut trees in that small enclosure, still leaving about 3/4 of the acre for pasture.

Once we have the money, I'd place a large sunroom/greenhouse on the south side of the house, with a basement/root cellar underneath.

Just thinking!

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