My current home doesn't have a verandah or even a porch but I dream of owning a little farmette again, with a verandah overlooking chickens, goats and gardens. Absolute heaven!


Didn't get the buck goat pen built last night. Someone came home in a grumpy mood, even with new goat babies to cuddle.

Escalated to a doozy of an argument at bedtime. About shuffling feet and damaging carpet, something the kid absolutely can't control (whether it's OCD or autism, I don't know but he's been doing it since he was 3 or 4). So now I'm looking for carpet runners or pieces or irregulars to put all over the house so the kid has a place to walk without hurting the carpet.


I'm getting ready to call and see if friends or friends-of-friends can help me build the buck goat pen today. Like I don't have anything else to do.

Beyond frustrating.

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