The above is a picture of our drive this morning. It had snowed and blasted an arctic wind all night. As we drove, we struggled to keep the car on the road. Had to take this pic, tho, of our beautiful Colorado Rocky Mountains. Rock and mud slides, and all.

The above is a picture of CM2, the doe we're going to be bringing home after her kids are weaned. Doesn't it look like a white chicken on her side? She doesn't like attention. Hope that changes!

The above are 3 of CM2's 4 kids. You can't tell it in this picture, but they are so small that I picked one up with just one hand! Very cute and obviously head-butting each other, and climbing on the hay, like above. Thrilled that CM2 turned out to be such a great mom. Hope she's as good next year when we breed her.

Here above are our two goats, in the dog kennel, just before we took off from the Crowley place to come home. They were a bit confused and bleated the first 30 minutes of the trip. By the time we got home (about 1.5 hours later), they had pushed the hay to one side, and were laying down on the cool crate. Didn't even want to come out at first! Glad we put collars on them. The white and brown one with the pink collar is Honey and the black one with brown pants (!!) is the wether, Hawk.

Here is Hawk and Honey about an hour after being in their new home. They had explored the kennel, eaten some goat food, taken delicate sips of the water (bucket in foreground) and here they have fallen asleep on their feet! Didn't realize that when a goat is tired, it just stops in its tracks and sleeps.
Doesn't Hawk kinda look like a donkey?
Soon after I took that last pic, Hubby and I left the workshop/barn and went inside to tidy up from our trip and do a few things. When I went back out around 6:30 (a few hours later) to get them ready for the night (just checked food, hay and water, etc.), they were waiting for me at the kennel door. They had moved lots of hay aside to unbury the rocks underneath, and had eaten quite a bit of the hay and food too. They were much more friendly now, and didn't bleat nearly as much.
Hawk started a trend, tho. He raised up on his hind legs and pawed my thigh with his upper legs, basically begging for attention. Like I hadn't just scratched his back and butt! Soon after, Honey figured she'd jump up on me too. So... what do we do? Do we let them jump up and just pet them (thereby reinforcing it?) or do we gently push them down and pet them after they're down?
It was sad to leave them for the night. They cried out, and even after we shut up the workshop/barn, we could hear them bleating. I'm sure they're okay. Patricia (the former owner) said that their mommy cried out for them for a while. I hope the hugs and attention we give the goaties make up for the loss of a mommy, and I'm sure Lili the mommy will be fine too.
Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings! (Well, actually, my clothes washer broke yesterday so hopefully Hubby will get it fixed tomorrow.)
1 comment:
sounds like fun.. Aas for a washing machine Just get a big steel bucket and a dry line
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